Mastering TypeScript Errors

Despite working with TypeScript professionally since 2019, I’ve been approaching TypeScript errors with a great deal of trepidation and fear. There’s so much information being returned. Although it’s not as much as Java stack traces in volume, I’ve struggled to make sense of TypeScript error traces and know how to parse them. Whereas most of the time I could resolve most errors with varying amounts of brute force or logic, sometimes a TypeScript error trace can really leave me clueless.

So, this week presented me with a golden opportunity to face some fears and turn trepidation into budding confidence. I was working with the react-select package and some custom components in the codebase. I was making some modifications and I was confronted with the Great Wall of Error.

Something like these…

Instead of freaking out at the Great Wall, I decided to break it down and make sense of it. I need to spend more time on the TypeScript website because the documentation on understanding errors is really excellent.

This part really started to solve the primordial puzzle for me:

“Each error starts with a leading message, sometimes followed by more sub-messages. You can think of each sub-message as answering a “why?” question about the message above it.” (emphasis mine)

If we take the second screenshot as an example, the way to parse the error trace seems to be as follows:

  1. TypeScript will highlight the offending line with a red squiggly line.
  2. Top message in the error trace is the leading message. In this case, it’s Type ‘Record<string | number | symbol, string | string[] | Record<string | number | symbol, string>>’ is not assignable to type ‘RecursiveObject<string | number>’.
  3. Why? Because Index signatures are incompatible.
  4. Why? Because Type ‘string | string[] | Record<string | number | symbol, string>’ is not assignable to type ‘RecursiveProperty<string | number>’.

And so on.

I’m going to be taking these insights into my work next week and side projects.

So, thank you TypeScript website!

More About Code Reviews, Impostor Syndrome, and Growing from Code Reviews

Following on from my last post, I saw a co-worker gracefully apply the principles of sound code reviews. It was comforting to see someone else on the same path as me. I observed myself while reading his comments. I didn’t feel attacked or questioned. His tone was curious and thoughtful.

I’ve observed this week that seeing code reviews as a part of engineering work, equal in value to coding and delivery, is starting to influence me. My thinking used to be upon submitting pull requests:

This meets the requirements.
This is as elegant and succinct as I am aware.
This passes tests.

Then, I would feel ashamed when comments come in about did you consider this? Why did you choose that? My internal dialogue became, I should have known this.

But the truth is that I often don’t have the full picture in my head of the entire codebase, or more experience, or the unique insights of another engineer. I only know what I’m operating on right now… if I’m not growing.

It got me thinking about a recent newsletter by The Hybrid Hacker entitled Dealing with Impostor Syndrome in the Engineering World. It was a uncomfortable, unsettling read in that it hit home deeply. I put exceedingly high expectations and requirements on myself to have thought of everything before a code review. And that’s simply impossible.

However, I can start to learn what my coworkers pick up on and ask questions about. Mining that can make me more thoughtful and compel me to improve. Learn more. Explore more. Skill up.

My wish with my new role was that I would get to work with senior engineers, to really level up my game, to sharpen steel against steel. And that has been fulfilled. For that, I’m grateful!

Getting Code Reviews Right

This is a few days late, but wanted to write it anyway to keep the discipline and routine going.

I subscribe to several really high-quality newsletters and one post last week was of immense use. It was Exactly What to Say in Code Reviews by Jordan Cutler.

Getting the tone, content, and style right in code reviews is a significant part of collaborating in engineering teams. It involves many trial-and-error iterations, a lot of self-reflection, and an understanding of the culture of the team you’re on.

So, Jordan’s post was like getting a well-constructed, time-tested, and solid toolbox for Christmas, for this part of engineering work.

I applied some of the principles while doing code reviews last week. I actually brought up the post and put it side-by-side with the pull requests.

Judging by my coworkers’ replies and comments, I knew that I had carried out some effective strategies.

Thank you, Jordan!

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