FHM Press Conference 9 July 2020

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrFOihWYXeA&list=PLLqBo3UjMccAyAkJ9uiJkQpPjDYUoWlHp&index=1


Socialstyrelsen: “Only 3 out of 290 municipalities are experiencing a serious impact [due to the pandemic], citing staffing concerns.”


“The pandemic, primarily or at least for the most part, is right now affecting non-risk groups, younger people… younger people aren’t heeding our recommendations.”

“The threat level is high. This is due to that we still have a substantial contagion effect, despite that it is spreading right now amongst groups that don’t think they may get infected.”

“Hard to say” about tracking the number of infected citizens

“Still not ready with more extensive analyses” about herd immunity

Socialstyrelsen: “Only 3 out of 290 municipalities are experiencing a serious impact [due to the pandemic], citing staffing concerns.”


“The pandemic, primarily or at least for the most part, is right now affecting non-risk groups, younger people… younger people aren’t heeding our recommendations.”

“The threat level is high. This is due to that we still have a substantial contagion effect, despite that it is spreading right now amongst groups that don’t think they may get infected.”

“Hard to say” about tracking the number of infected citizens

“Still not ready with more extensive analyses” about herd immunity

Continue reading FHM Press Conference 9 July 2020

FHM pressträff – 9 July 2020


Socialstyrelsen: “Endast 3 av 290 kommuner ser en allvarlig påverkan och det handlar om en viss oro för bemanning.”


“Vi har en spridning, som i huvudsak då eller till stor del, finns inom icke-riskgrupper, yngre människor…. Yngre människor respekterar inte riktlinjer som ges.”

“Hotnivån är hög. Det beror på att vi fortfarande har en ganska omfattande smittspridning även om det sker huvudsakligen i grupper som man inte har anledning att frukta att man blir svårt sjuk.”

“Svårt att säga” om hur många som bär på smittan

“Inte färdiga än med mer djupgående analyser” angående flockimmunitet

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